The Holy Trinity

Prayer to unite our love with God's love

My God, my love is small, weak, and insignificant. Your love, Oh God, is vast, strong, eternal, and infinite. That is why I humbly and joyfuly unite my poor and inadequate love with your rich, eternal and infinite love and I offer it back to you through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for all your intentions and one of my own . . . that I may love you more and more each passing moment. Oh God, I want to love you more each passing moment. And I pray this prayer for myself, my loved ones, relatives, friends, neightors, for those who have no one to lvoe them, and even for my enemies.

I pray this prayer in the most precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Unto you, oh God . . . Who are omnipotent, immortal, and omnipresent in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, be all glory, all honor, all dominion , and all the love of every man, woman, and child on Earth, in Heaven, and in Purgatory, now and forever. Amen.
